- Allspice cocok dipasangkan dengan: apples, beets, cabbage, caramel, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves,coriander, ginger, juniper, mace, mustard, nuts, nutmeg, onions, pears, pumpkin, root vegetables,yams.
- Almond cocok dipasangkan dengan: apple, apricot, banana, caramel, cherry, coffee, fig, honey,orange, peach, pear, plum
- Anice cocok dipasangkan dengan: apples, beets, caramel, carrots, chocolate, citrus, cinnamon,coconut, coriander, cranberry, fennel, figs, fish, garlic, peaches, pomegranates, pumpkin
- Apple cocok dipasangkan dengan: caramel, cardamom, chestnut, cinnamon, cranberry, currant,ginger, hazelnut, mango, maple, rosemary, walnut
- Apricot cocok dipasangkan dengan: almond, black pepper, caramel, cardamom, ginger, hazelnut,honey, orange, peach, vanilla, plum
- Asian Pear cocok dipasangkan dengan: almond, apple, black pepper, cinnamon, ginger, honey,macadamia, nutmeg, raisin, vanilla
- Banana cocok dipasangkan dengan: caramel, cherry, chocolate, cinnamon, coffee, ginger, hazelnut,honey, lime, mango, molasses, papaya
- Basil cocok dipasangkan dengan: capers, chives, cilantro, garlic, marjoram, oregano, mint, onion,parsley, rosemary, thyme, artichokes, eggplant, green vegetables, mushrooms, olives, Sweet Basil isthe best basil for pesto and tomato salads.
- Bay leaf cocok dipasangkan dengan: artichokes, beans, garlic, grains, juniper, lentils, marjoram,mushrooms, nuts, oregano, parsley, potatoes, sage, savory, thyme and tomatoes
- Beets pair well with: Apples, basil, beef, butter, cabbage, caraway seeds, carrots, cheese, chives, dill,hard-boiled eggs, garlic, honey, horseradish, lemon, mint, mustard, olive oil, onions, orange, pepper,pistachios, salt
- Blackberry cocok dipasangkan dengan: apricot, black pepper, cinnamon, citrus, hazelnut, lemon, otherberries, peach, plum
- Blood Orange cocok dipasangkan dengan: almond, cardamom, chocolate, cinnamon, clove, fig, ginger,honey, other citrus
- Blueberry cocok dipasangkan dengan: other berries, cardamom, mango, lemon, hazelnut, ginger, fig,lavender, other citrus
- Butternut Squash cocok dipasangkan dengan: sage and rosemary, either of which can be used fresh orin dried form. The warm “pie spices” of nutmeg and ginger are a good match for butternut squash,both underlining and balancing its sweetness. For a savory approach, consider cumin. Chilies providesweet-and-spicy flavor combination. The naturally sweet taste of butternut squash is enhanced whenpaired with fruit, such as fresh and dried apples, fresh pear, orange juice and dried cranberries.
- Caraway cocok dipasangkan dengan: apples, beets, broccoli, cabbage, pears, sauerkraut, allspice,almonds, cardamom, chili, cinnamon, coriander, dill, fennel seed, juniper berry, onion, mushrooms,garlic, oregano, parsley, thyme.
- Cardamom cocok dipasangkan dengan: apples, bananas, beans, caramel, citrus fruit, coconut, icecreams, nuts, mango, allspice, almond, cardamom, chili, cinnamon, clove, coriander, cumin, curry,dates, fennel seed, ginger, mustard, paprika, pears, pepper, star anise, turmeric, saffron
- Carrot cocok dipasangkan dengan: anise, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, walnut
- Celery cocok dipasangkan dengan: cabbage, cilantro, cucumber, cumin, garlic, ginger, mustard, onion,parsley, pepper, rosemary, sage, tomatoes, thyme
- Celery Seed cocok dipasangkan dengan: tomatoes, allspice, black pepper, caraway, chili, cinnamon coriander, cumin, fennel seed, ginger, sage, turmeric
- Cherry cocok dipasangkan dengan: apricot, black pepper, chocolate, citrus, nectarine, peach, plum,vanilla
- Chestnut cocok dipasangkan dengan: apple, caramel, chocolate, coffee, pear, vanilla
- Chives pair well with: asparagus, basil, cheese, cilantro, dill, fennel, green vegetables, horseradish,mushrooms, olives, paprika, pasta, parsley, tarragon
- Chocolate cocok dipasangkan dengan: oranges, nuts, Allspice, almond, aniseed, cinnamon, clove,curry leaf, fennel seed, garlic, ginger, lemongrass, mint, nutmeg, onion, vanilla
- Cilantro (coriander) cocok dipasangkan dengan: apples, apricot, avocados, berries, cherries, citrus,coconut, nectarine, peach, plum, tropical fruit, Allspice, Cardamom, clove, cumin, curry, dates, fennelseed, garlic, ginger, mint, sun-dried tomato, turmeric, tomatoes.
- Cinnamon cocok dipasangkan dengan: allspice, apples, bananas, cantaloupe, caraway, cardamom,clove, cacao, chilies, caramel, cauliflower, chocolate, corn, curries, coffee, coriander, cranberry,cumin, dates, figs, ginger, mint, nutmeg, grapes, oranges, peaches, pears, winter squash, star anise,sun-dried tomatoes, tamarind, turmeric, vanilla
- Chervil cocok dipasangkan dengan: artichokes, asparagus, carrots, chives, citrus, grains, green beans,leafy vegetables, mushrooms, nuts, onions, parsley, tarragon, thyme,and vinegar
- Clove cocok dipasangkan dengan: allspice, apples, beets, bay leaf, cakes, cardamom, cacao, carrots,chocolate, citrus, coriander, cumin, curry, fennel, ginger, mace, nutmeg, orange, peaches, pineapple,pumpkin, red cabbage, star anise, tamarind, turmeric,vanilla
- Coconut cocok dipasangkan dengan: Allspice, banana, basil, black pepper, Brazil nut, caramel,chocolate, citrus, cumin, curry leaf, garlic, ginger, guava, lemongrass, passionfruit, pineapple, sundried,tomato, turmeric, vanilla
- Coriander cocok dipasangkan dengan: allspice, apples, bananas, beans, chili, cilantro, cinnamon,citrus, cloves, cumin, curry, fennel, fish, garlic, ginger, mace, mint, mushrooms, nutmeg, onion,parsley,
- Cranberry cocok dipasangkan dengan: apple, chocolate, cinnamon, citrus, mango, mint, pear
- Cumin cocok dipasangkan dengan: allspice, anise, avocados, bay leaf, beans, cabbage, cardamom,cilantro, cinnamon, citrus, coconut, coriander, cucumber, curry, fennel, fenugreek, garlic, ginger,lentils, mace, onion, nutmeg, parsley, tomatoes
- Lemongrass cocok dipasangkan dengan: cherry, berries, citrus, coconut, ginger, guava, kaffir leaf,coconut, tropical fruit, vanilla
- Currants, Black and Red, cocok dipasangkan dengan: cassis, chocolate, citrus
- Dill cocok dipasangkan dengan: anise, basil, cabbage, capers, caraway, carrots, chives, coriander,cucumbers, cumin, fennel, garlic, ginger, horseradish, mint, mustard, oregano, onion, paprika, parsley
- Elderberry cocok dipasangkan dengan: apricot, fig, honey, lemon, mandarin, other berries, peach,plum
- Fennel cocok dipasangkan dengan: anise, artichokes, basil, beans, cabbage, cheese, cilantro,cinnamon, cucumber, cumin, dill, eggplant, fenugreek, figs, garlic, lemon balm, lentils, mint, olives,onion, oregano, parsley, pork, thyme, tomatoes
- Fig cocok dipasangkan dengan: almond, black pepper, cinnamon, citrus, hazelnut, pear, vanilla
- Garlic cocok dipasangkan dengan: basil, caraway, chili, coriander, cumin, curry leaf, marjoram, mint,mustard seed, oregano, parsley, rosemary, sun-dried tomato, thyme
- Ginger cocok dipasangkan dengan: allspice, almond, anise, apple, apricot, banana,basil, berries, Brazilnut, caramel, carrots, chives, chocolate, cilantro, cinnamon, citrus,cloves, coconut, coriander,cranberry, cumin, curry, dates, fennel, grape, hazelnut, passion fruit, peach, pear, pineapple, plum,nutmeg, onion, peaches, pears, pepper, pumpkin, raisins, turmeric, vanilla
- Gooseberry cocok dipasangkan dengan: citrus, hazelnut, honey, other berries, white chocolate
- Grape cocok dipasangkan dengan: chocolate, citrus, fig, honey, ginger, raisin
- Grapefruit cocok dipasangkan dengan: basil, black pepper, caramel, citrus, mint, rosemary, thyme,tropical fruit, vanilla
- Guava cocok dipasangkan dengan: citrus, lime, coconut, huckleberry, kaffir leaf, pineapple,strawberry, tropical fruit
- Hazelnut cocok dipasangkan dengan: apple, apricot, banana, berries, caramel, cherry, chocolate,citrus, fig, mandarin, peach, pear, plum
- Pomegranate cocok dipasangkan dengan: apple, citrus, cucumber, mint, tropical fruit
- Jicama cocok dipasangkan dengan: acidic fruits and juices such as lime, lemon and orange juice. Redpepper and hot pepper sauce, avocado, cilantro, cucumber and grapefruit.
- Kaffir Leaf cocok dipasangkan dengan: banana, citrus, coconut, lemongrass, tropical fruit, watermelon
- Kiwi cocok dipasangkan dengan: apple, banana, berries, cherry, citrus, coconut, mango, tropical fruit
- Kumquat cocok dipasangkan dengan: berries, cherry, chocolate, cinnamon, coffee, persimmon, plum
- Lavender cocok dipasangkan dengan: chocolate, lemon, blueberries, vanilla, thyme
- Lemon cocok dipasangkan dengan: apricot, berries, black pepper, cardamom, cherry, citrus, ginger,nectarine, peach, plum, prickly pear, tropical fruit
- Lime cocok dipasangkan dengan: apple, berries, cherry, ginger, papaya, plum, strawberry, tropical fruit
- Lychee cocok dipasangkan dengan: citrus, ginger, gooseberry, tropical fruit, vanilla
- Mace cocok dipasangkan dengan: allspice, asparagus, beans, cabbage, carrots, cheese, cinnamon,cloves, coffee, cranberries, cumin, ginger, nutmeg, peaches, pumpkin, potatoes, vanilla,
- Mandarin cocok dipasangkan dengan: cardamom, cherry, chocolate, cinnamon, coffee, fig, ginger,nutmeg, tropical fruits, vanilla, star anise
- Mango cocok dipasangkan dengan: apple, banana, berries, caramel, citrus, coconut, melon, tropicalfruits, vanilla, cinnamon
- Marjoram cocok dipasangkan dengan: artichokes, basil, cinnamon, cumin, eggplant, fennel, garlic,mushrooms, onion, oregano, parsley, thyme
- Melon cocok dipasangkan dengan: berries, citrus, lemongrass, lemon verbena
- Nutmeg cocok dipasangkan dengan: allspice, asparagus, cabbage, cardamom, carrots, cinnamon,cloves, coffee, coriander, cranberries, cumin, ginger, mace, onion, peaches, pumpkin, thyme, vanilla
- Orange cocok dipasangkan dengan: almonds, basil, berries, brandy, cherry, chocolate, cilantro,cinnamon, coffee, cranberry, fig, ginger, grape, hazelnut, mint, nutmeg, persimmon, pineapple, vanilla
- Oregano cocok dipasangkan dengan: basil, cinnamon, cumin, eggplant, fennel, garlic, marjoram,mushrooms, onion, parsley, thyme, tomatoes
- Paprika cocok dipasangkan dengan: allspice, caraway, cardamom, garlic, ginger, legumes, oregano,parsley, rosemary, saffron, thyme, turmeric, vegetables
- Papaya cocok dipasangkan dengan: citrus, black pepper, lime, mango, tropical fruit
- Parsley cocok dipasangkan dengan: basil, bay leaf, chives, dill, garlic, marjoram, mushrooms, grains,onion, oregano,thyme, tomatoes
- Strawberry cocok dipasangkan dengan: apple, black pepper, chocolate, citrus, coriander, mint,rhubarb, vanilla
- Peach cocok dipasangkan dengan: cinnamon, orange, lemon, lime, cloves, dried apricots, driedcherries, ginger, both fresh and ground, maple syrup, nutmeg, nuts (pistachios, walnuts, hazelnuts,pecans, and almonds), star anise, vanilla
- Pear cocok dipasangkan dengan: almond, apple, caramel, chestnut, chocolate, cinnamon, citrus,ginger, hazelnut, vanilla, walnut
- Peppermint cocok dipasangkan dengan; basil, black pepper, grapefruit, juniper, lavender, lemon,marjoram, rosemary, chocolate
- Persimmon cocok dipasangkan dengan: apple, black pepper, cinnamon, citrus, kumquat, pear
- Pineapple cocok dipasangkan dengan: basil, caramel, cilantro, coconut, macadamia, rosemary,tropical fruit
- Plum cocok dipasangkan dengan: almond, cinnamon, citrus, chestnut, black pepper, hazelnut, honey,vanilla
- Prickly Pear cocok dipasangkan dengan: citrus, lime, tomatillo, tropical fruit
- Raspberry cocok dipasangkan dengan: apricot, cinnamon, citrus, ginger, lemon, nectarine, otherberries, peach, plum, rhubarb, thyme, vanilla
- Rose water cocok dipasangkan dengan: saffron, cardamom,jasmine, almonds, pistachios and coconuts.
- Rosemary cocok dipasangkan dengan: apples, asparagus, basil, citrus, cranberry, fennel, garlic, grains,mushrooms, marjoram, onion, oregano, parsley, thyme, tomatoes
- Rhubarb cocok dipasangkan dengan: apple, apricot, berries, black pepper, citrus, ginger, nectarine,peach, plum, strawberry
- Saffron cocok dipasangkan dengan: almond, apples, basil, some citrus fruits, cilantro, cinnamon,citrus, garlic, honey, pistachio, rose water, rosemary, thyme, tomatoes
- Sage pears well with: apples, bay leaf, capers, caraway, celery, citrus, garlic, ginger, marjoram,onions, paprika, parsley, rosemary, thyme, tomatoes
- Sesame cocok dipasangkan dengan: citrus, garlic, ginger, thyme
- Sorrel cocok dipasangkan dengan: chives, beans, leafy greens, oregano, parsley, thyme, and squash
- Thyme cocok dipasangkan dengan: bananas, basil, bay leaf, beans, carrots, citrus, dill, garlic, mint,mushrooms, onion, oregano, parsley, sage
- Tomatillo cocok dipasangkan dengan: berries, citrus, mango, prickly pear, tropical fruit
- Walnut cocok dipasangkan dengan: apple, apricot, banana, caramel, chocolate, cinnamon, nectarine,peach, pear, plum, rum
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